Blogging for Free

Why You Should be Blogging for Free (Sometimes)

It’s undeniable that blogging can make you a lot of money. That’s great; it’s a creative and useful way of earning a living or extra income from one’s expertise and talent. When this happens, it’s easy to be stuck in the rut of always charging for write-ups and blog articles. However, blogging for free could be one of the most enriching and positive experiences you could have as a blogger.

Blogging for Free

#3. Helping a cause.

There are a lot of charitable and non-profit causes that could use the clout only a social media regular like a blogger can provide. The kind of power and reach bloggers have in this day and age is unprecedented – imagine if this was used to further a very good cause. Blogging for free – increasing awareness of a social problem, directing an audience to an awareness video, or even getting them to sign up for petitions - is a great way to help out. By offering services to organizations and foundations in need for nothing is an act of kind donation in itself.

#2. Increase your value.

It’s very reasonable and understandable that bloggers charge for their expertise and professional work. Keeping a blog costs money, and blogging in general costs time, creativity, effort, and sometimes money as well. Servers, domains, and miscellaneous bills need to be paid too. However, blogging for free about the lesser known and/or less-funded things/people increase a blog and blogger’s value simply by helping them be put ‘out there’. It’s a sincere way of promoting (and helping grow!) an independent artist, a friend’s genuinely fantastic artwork, a small-time burger joint with the best toppings ever, or even a hidden side-street with great deals.

#1. No pressure.

When one is paid to write an article, it’s undeniable that there are certain pressures involved. There are keywords to include, pictures to edit and watermark, sources to link to, sentences and paragraphs to edit, and of course, deadlines to meet. When one is blogging for free, the pressure eases off a little bit (at no sacrifice to professionalism, hopefully!) and a blogger is actually a bit more free to write as s/he pleases. This allows the blogger’s personal creativity and ‘writing flavor’ to come out more naturally, making for a better blog and a better blogger.

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