STATUS BLOCKED (ʀᴀ ɴᴏ. 10175)

Facebook Status Turns Black 

In protest to the new Cybercrime Law that will take effect tomorrow, people are calling for the blackout of their profile photos to protest the bill.

Here's a sample.

Some have called for their status to be blacked out as well. Like this.

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[STATUS BLOCKED] (ʀᴀ ɴᴏ. 10175)

this is how our status and comments will look like tomorrow once the cybercrime law takes effect...

This law is affecting everyone online.

Here is the person everyone is blaming for the insertion of libel in the Cybercrime Bill.

And here are the others who supported the bill.

So starting tomorrow, either stand up or watch out what you say online. I can and will be used against you in the court of law.

Source: Pala-isip