10 ways to increase your blog traffic

1. Make guest posts enable.

 Guest posts have become very important part of  blogging now a days. May be that's why it has become very popular too. Most of the high traffic bloggers give you a chance to make guest post on their blogs on different conditions. There you have a chance to get back links from those blogs and have a chance to build new audience too. Therefore you are advise to make guest posts in other blogs. Even in my blog I have provide you some chance to make guest posts.

2. Make comments in others posts.

If you see high rank blog there are huge number of comments. That's not because of their importance sometime, but because of the popularity they have gained. Therefore it is advisable for you to make comments in other blogs. Also it is important to make comments in low ranked blogs even. Because they may consider about you and give re-comments to you.

3. Make followers gadget enable.

Having more followers mean they have high traffic. Even though the followers not visit very often if you publish a important article to them, they will visit you as they getting those updates though their dashboard. Some times you may also add some other followers gadget in other pages like Facebook, Networked blog, like things too.

4. Make the comments enable.

If you are writing  good posts which helps other bloggers they are surely thanks you. Even people who do not blogging may write on you anonymously. Enabling even such comments will make it good. Because some people do not like to give their identity.

5. Optimize you blog for search engines.

Search engine optimization is also an important part of blog traffic, as they gives you important possition on search results. There you can add meta tags, Use good title, include number of keywords. You can learn about meta tag here.

6. Use links

You can add links to your site from other bloggers and also from your site. Adding links from other site helps them to identify their traffic source and have a chance to get re-links to your sites. Adding links from your site may increase your views and also have a good chance to keep the readers in your site for longer time.Also services like back links are very important to some extent. Read you can get some back links here.

7. Build a audience who will share your links.

 From above all this would be very difficult and hard one but may important lot. Because having links from others need good communication, understanding, and co-operation. Therefore you have too wait for sometimes get their detection and give their support.

8. Contact other bloggers who write about same topic.

From this you can get good knowledge about the things what you may know, get links and build good friendship which may valuable than any other.

9. Join the blog contests and awards.

This is also good chance for you to have good audience. Because you can have a good promotion here. Therefore try to join them may as possible.

10. Join to online sites and forums.

Join to web sites and other things like forums may also helps to increase audience.

Try to enjoy trough traffic..........